It seems that you're there, for the purpose to make way. To give them the headlight start. Its like you're meant to be deceived all along. The aftershock, the big black cloud over one. I have brought myself here.
So I had been contemplating whether I should indulge my stomach or not for the past few hours. I did indulged after major wrestling with my mind & stomach. I feel lousy right now at the moment. Its 1.55am and I just gobbled down high in calories food. Great. Happy digesting it, stomach. As much as I despise people who always complain how fat they are and oh-i-ate-many-many-food-and-i-feel-so-fat kind of things, I'm being just like them. Irony. Naturally I do not publicise it in facebook, since god-knows how many people there are in my friend list. Complaining, whining & the list goes on. Somehow there's always been a love-hate relationship. Something that I can't seem to control at times like when life's miserable piece of shit. Its quite petrifying that I can gobble down two-servings of food of a guy. It doesn't get any better than this. As what my friends like to describe, emotional eating. Apparently, my self-control has drastically changed. Two years bac...
Yes, thats actually rice on our forehead. How is it made? Its a mixture of rice, yogurt and vermillion. Sinful food in every house, money, rato tika. Prolly the last Dashain as a family in Singapore. Dad and my 3 little brothers